Sunday, November 30, 2008

BLOG 9 English 10

I finally finished reading Twilight(just to tell you that I didn't read through spark notes) To tell the truth, it was pretty fun, but I dont think it was the kind of book that should be a best seller. I mean, it would be a best seller to teenagers, but I also knew that some adults also reads this book. The ending of this book, shown that there would be another part of the series, and right now, I'm planning to read New moon, the second part of the Twilight season, and I am hoping it would be more fun to read than Twilight. Through Twilight, I realized that the action part only came out in the climax. There was no action part but only the story line of Bella trying to find out what Edward is, and going out with him. I am not saying this book is not good, but its just not the book for the best seller. I thought of just finishing the book without reading the whole series, but my dad all ready bought me the whole series, so I think I would have to read it. I am planning to read the whole series during the winter break.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

BLOG 8 English 10

I read all the way up to pg 178 about Twilight. Bella keeps on questioning Edwards true character, and what he is. She starts to make some theories about Edward, whether he is a villian or a hero. Then one day, Bella gets an interesting story from one kid. The kid told Bella, the tribe he is in, is fulled with werewolves(of course Bella didn't actually believe in it and thought the kid was using a metaphor) and that the werewolves had one and only enemies were the "cold ones" which are vampires. Then Bella knew that the kid was telling her that Edward is a vampire. So Bella starts to research for vampires and asked Edward if he was actually a vampire. Edward confessed that he is a vampire...and then....
The story line is starting get interesting in my opinion. I think to me Twilight is not really really fun book like Harry Potter, but it quite readable...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

BLOG 7 English 10

After reading the book "Catcher of the rye," I started the book "Twilight" and read untill I stopped at page 97. This bmook started with a high school girl who goes to where her father lives because her parents have divorced. She meets with new friends, but gets kind of suspicious or curious with this guy named Edward. One day after school, she had a truck almost crushing toward her, but she saw Edward suddenly appearing out of nowhere and saving her, holding the truck which is almost impossible for a highschool teenager to hold. She gets suspicious about Edward but doesn't think it really seriously.
I read it untill this part where she just becomes suspicious of Edward. I mean I don't really like Romance books but I decided to try one. I mean this book is a best seller, so it might be might chance to have an interaction with romance. Although I'm not actually thinking of reading Romance books but my dad bought this book which is also the reason why I am reading this.(He always buys bestseller books)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

BLOG 6 English 10

I read the whole book of the Catcher of the rye. I heard from many people that it was very good book and it was really good for teenagers. I thought that the "Good" that the people meant were meaning the fun of the book but it wasn't.(I think if that was what they were talking about man I have to seriously discuss about their taste in reading books because this book was not fun)It was actually a book that seriously discussed of how a teenager in America would act and in my opinion what was life in the 1960s at that time. I mean, this book wasn't that fun, but I still kind of liked it. What attracted me to this book was mainly the author's special voice but also the unique way that the author wrote this book. The author didn't write the book based on the events but the connection between the events and the main character's experiences. The events weren't that important in this book but the experience/past that the main character had and how he would connect them to his lifetime experiences. I think that this book was emphacizing that the world was too dangerous to teenagers that hate to study and stuff. The main character wishes to go out and live on his own with the girl he liked but he was too young to think of that, and he thought easy of life. Except for the swear words and sexual somethings, it was a good book.(Although, it was not fun)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

BLOG 5 English 10

It seems in this book that the characters are acting like their happy. The reason why I'm saying this is because the whole mood of this book is right now depressing. The main character is always negative in his life after losing from the election. He keeps on saying "kill Jesus" which shows the depression of the main character and emphacizes the mood of this story. That is not the only thing....The secret that John had in the Vietnam war seems to crack up his relationship with Kathie. Anyway, I have to say the truth.. The book is right now boring....Until Kathie has suddenly dissappeared one night! John starts to search for her and asks the neighborhood, but they do not know...

In my opinion, I think the girl ran away... I don't know why but I just think she ran away for some reason. I am thinking of reading the rest of the novel by next weekend.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

BLOG 4 English 10

Through reading this story, this book is first explaining about what the character was like in his past. The main character's child hood was mainly based on the fact that his own father has abused him verbally and emotionally. Even though his father had died, instead of happiness or sadness, all he felt was anger... Anger toward the fact that his father had died. The author had not shown the exact reason on why he was angry enough to make a mess on his father's funeral. After his father's death, the main characer met this girl in highschool, whom he loved. So he spied on her, not on the fact that he was seriously obsessed with her but with the fact that he couldn't believe in her whether she is going out with someone else or not.
Right now, all the book is showing about these stuff and the main plot is not yet coming out. Still the author gives kind of some clues with testimonies and evidence from interviews and flashbacks. I am having great patience over this book and willing to wait for the main plot to come out.

Lyrics related to the characterization that I have made

So sick (Artist: Ne-yo)
Mmmm mmm yeahDo do do do do do do-doOhh Yeah

Gotta change my answering machineNow that I'm aloneCuz right now it says that weCan't come to the phoneAnd I know it makes no senseCuz you walked out the doorBut it's the only way I hear your voice anymore(it's ridiculous)It's been monthsAnd for some reason I just(can't get over us)And I'm stronger than this(enough is enough)No more walkin round. With my head down, I'm so over being blue. Cryin over you

And I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tearsSo done with wishing you were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?
Gotta fix that calender I have
That's marked July 15th Because since there's no more you
There's no more anniversary I'm so fed up with my thoughts of you
And your memory And how every song reminds me Of what used to be That's the reason I'm so sick of love songs So tired of tears
So done with wishing you were still hereSaid I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?
(Leave me alone)Leave me alone
(Stupid love songs)Dont make me think about her smile Or having my first child I'm letting go Turning off the radio
Cuz I'm so sick of love songs So tired of tears So done with wishing she was still here Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?(why can't I turn off the radio?)
Said I'm so sick of love songs So tired of tearsSo done with wishing she was still here Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?
(why can't I turn off the radio?)
And I'm so sick of love songsSo tired of tears
So done with wishin' you were still hereSaid I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow Why can't I turn off the radio?(why can't I turn off the radio?)Why can't I turn off the radio?,,yo-lyrics/so-sick-lyrics.html

This is related to the theme of my characterization because it shows that he was in love, but after she dumped him he is so sick of love songs because he just failed to be in love. He is trying to delete all the related items with the girl he like and he is crying, these shows that he is depressed and lonely.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Characterization(This is not based on me so don't say anything)

There was a guy who had no friends. He would try to make friends but the kids in his school would back talk about him because of what he looks like. Even all the girls would hate him because of his appearence and ignore him. But the guy always had his eyes on this one girl who would always be nice to him. He couldn't stop thinking about that girl. He would be nice to her, and make ways on how to talk with this girl more often. He didn't have any friends to discuss about this and so he asked the girl out, but she rejected him with a smack on his face. So the guy didn't eat food for weeks and couldn't get a smile on his face.

BLOG 3 English 10

The book that I started to read last week is called "In the lakes of the woods." I don't really now its fun because I only read a few, but the few I read was kind of boring to me. I like mystery, twisters and suspense. Right now, this book didn't really seem as a book filled with mysteries. Its not my rights to judge the book, but I wished the author would have start some mysterious events at the first part. Because the first part of books determines the reader whether or not it is fun. I mean the book felt like a romance book which I don't really like. The first part was all about his life and what hooked up his wife and himself. Right now in the book, I can't really find any mysterious elements but what I found interesting was the foreshadowing that the author shown in the book by the title:"Interview." At first, I thought this was some sort of introduction of the book, but I see that it is an important part of the book. That was the only interesting thing I could ever find. But books can change, so I would like to read this book more, and find out what will happen next.

BLOG 2 English 10

After reading the book "It" author by Steven King, Although all these swear words, sexual things, and gore events came out in that book, it was the horror that I was kind of finding for. After reading that book, I found out that Steven King was a famous author in horror and almost all of his publis;hed books were bestsellers. So I searched for one of his books and found a book called "Cell." I read this during the summer break and it was great! The new idea of using the most commonly used device as a start for human extinction. But the things I was not happy was because the author actually didn't tell anything about why the whole thing happened and the story's scale was basically small. Its events were similar to the novel "War of Worlds" which there is one man running around for survival. The book didn't actually fit as a "book," but it actually fitted as a movie. If it came out as a movie, it would have been popular because of the suspense and action. There were not that much elements of horror in the book, but there was alot of action and suspense. I expected horror to cool off the heat of my summer, but this time, Steven King didn't reach my expectations. It was a good book, but it was not the best book to recomend for.

BLOG 1 English 10

During Chuseok Break, I read the book Angels and Demons made by Dan Brown. I have been finding great fun in Dan Brown's works. Especially the Da Vinci Code. I really had fun reading that book, of how he made an imaginary story opposing to Christianity. Whoa, when I was reading this book, I couldn't get out of it. I mean the events made me fall into the book! How he used the four main elements as a part of murder really gave me a hit on the head. Although this book was fun, I didn't think it was better than the Da Vinci Code because Da Vinci Code gave me more entertainment rather than Angels and Demons. If Da Vinci Code was mystery and suspense, Angels and Demons were action and thriller. Anyway, this book was a great and it was real satifacting book that I have read.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Omega Embryos(My talk on the author's philosophy)

Reading this book gave me a great knowledge on the philosophy that the author was trying to tell us. A philosophy that I can see through this book meant that the author was really clear on his philosophy, although I might be wrong, it still means that I have a philosophy of my own that I have learned from the book.

You know why we say “Good morning” to each other? Toward my information from a philosopher, (Korean novel) a human saying good morning to each other is just a natural instinct developed through ages, an instinct that mankind has naturally made to use as a good manner. But that “manner” is just a shelter to cover up the other reason. The reason why we say good morning is to make mankind conquest the loneliness, and a way to make more allies naturally.
If we say “Good Morning” to another person, the person who gets the greeting shows affinity to the person who said good morning. But the person who said good morning thinks it’s a good manner that he/she had learned from his/her parents, but it’s an unconscious thought to the person (who greeted) that he/she doesn’t want to make enemies.
A human natural instinct says that every one is an enemy except for him or herself, but this thought is not selfish but it is an unconscious thought that people don’t know what they are thinking about. Anyway, because of this instinct, people start greetings to make friend.
Think about it, if you had a person next to you that had the same something (for example taste or likes) would you hate him or like him? Definitely liking him is the natural response; it is just like that. If you say good morning, the other person realizes that it is a good morning and realizes that both of them have the same good morning! So naturally they both show good feeling toward each other, because of the unconscious thought that they both have the same “Good morning.” (I’m sorry, I tried to translate it into Korean-English but that didn’t work out that well.;)

What I am saying, the philosophy that I am saying is just the similar philosophy that I am thinking about.
Why do we have sex? Is it just for pleasure? Is it for reproduction? I don’t think so… There are different reasons why I think sex is just for these reasons. I don’t think it’s for pure reproduction, because that is for only animals. Animal’s natural instincts are to reproduce themselves. Only mankind has the rights to have sex with pleasure, well in a different way. Sex is made through pleasure, that’s the way sex works, but animals don’t have the rights to realize that pleasure in their consciousness, but that pleasure is only occurred in animal’s physical nerves which cause sex (such as sperms…) to work. Which means that animals don’t sex with pleasure on conscious (think about it, a male animal doesn’t use condoms to have sex for fun) but instinctively does it for reproduction. Only Mankind has the rights to have sex on pleasure, that’s why people created all these kind of stuffs to control the birth, but just to have fun.

I don’t think that mankind does sex only for pleasure, it is right that they have fun with sex, but in normal cases, I think it’s because of love. Why would people say “Do not sex with anyone else until you marry?” It’s because marriage comes out from love, it is the symbol of love. Marriage means that you are together with a lover, a lover to give your virginity. People knows that marriage=love with unconsciousness so they say that. Marriage means that you are having children, and children come out through sex.

The philosophies that I just talked about both have a relation, a relation that comes out from the human instinct, unconsciousness.

I think this is the philosophy of life that the author is trying to tell us. A main character knowing about love through Shakespeare’s unique explanations and literature.
Unfortunately the main character couldn’t resist the out view of the society, where sex is just for pure pleasure and reproductive rights vandalized.
I think the author is telling us that without love, human relationship and sex wouldn’t be able to connect to each other. The novel has shown only people having sex for fun, without emotions of love; the world is destroyed on the inside.

(I am sorry; I just got a feeling that I should say this, these days I read philosophical and gloomy Korean novels so I tried to give it a try. Since philosophy is the way that you see the world through your consciousness, I gave this a try. You might not understand it, if you don’t I would be glad to explain it to you. It might be hard to you because philosophy is the way an individual looks at the out view of the world. Besides, people say that philosophy starts from a simple fact into a weird, paradoxical thought that no one can agree to it! Sorry about this.)

Epsilon embryos(setting/passage)

The setting I am about to talk about is the setting that was extremely disturbing to me and yet it was so memorable, in a bad way. This setting takes a huge part in the novel, as it takes part as the climax. The madness and the bizarre situation that is somehow unique in the real world (2008), has left a weird dramatic moment into my memories, and made me feel disgusted.
The setting was the place near the lighthouse where John used it as shelter to repeating his continuous ceremony. The ceremony made the setting very disturbing but memorable (once again, in a bad way). As John rapidly slashes his whip toward to women he had emotions, and with frenzy, he slashes shouting out with insanity.
Here is a passage that shows the insanity of this setting. The passage takes place in the setting as I said the lighthouse and one of the passages makes you kind of remember this and makes you disturbing.

“Oh, the flesh!” The Savage ground his teeth. This time it was on his shoulders that the whip descended. “Kill it, kill it!”

This passage shows kind of what happens in that setting, if you just see the passage without the book, you can’t notice the setting, but you can notice the situation that is happening.

Though I didn’t feel much of that refusal on the other setting, it was just that they were dark and gloomy. Telling the whole of the settings, I think that all of them weren’t that bad compared to the climax setting.

Delta embryos(Mood)

(Not including this blogging project, there are many times where I have read dystopia novels. In my memory, I read 4 dystopia novels in English and over 10 in Korean. Reading Korean Dystopia novels is kind of a natural, or somehow instinctive act to Koreans. Koreans usually want to understand the philosophy of the world toward morals and experiences that are written in the book; deep and a profound knowledge is what Koreans thirst to analyze and understand. That’s the reason why there are dystopian novels everywhere I see in Korea. I am not sure with Americans but I am sure about this on Koreans. Anyway, almost every dystopia novels that I have read had almost the same mood, it’s like a rightful substance that this particular mood should be in a dystopia novel.)

Of all the dystopia novels that I have read (including the last blogging assignment) I have found similarities in the mood of these novels.
Almost all the dystopia novels I have read had the mood of gloominess.

Dystopia is the opposite meaning of Utopia, Utopia means an imagination of a human world that would be the best for humanity but dystopia is the fiction world that would be the worst for humanity, definitely it matches to the gloomy feeling of people.

Through this novel, I can clearly see the mood because of the world that leads humanity to corruption. It was kind of familiar to me because it was the same mood of all the dystopian novels that I read. But it also kind of made me sad about John.
The thoughts that “If” John didn’t get to know the existence of the World State then he wouldn’t have to end up like that. After his death, a long silence and an empty mind filled with endless depression made me think about this ending repeating it over and over again...

I think that the mood of the novel makes the reader also feel like that. I thought the ending would be some how happy or at least the protagonist surviving, but this novel left nonsense ending with the mood of the whole story entering to my emotions.

Gamma embryos(Main Characters)

John is one of my favorite characters in this novel. John appeared as the main character not in the first part, but during the beginning, during the process of his arrival to World State. He shows emotion on love and refuses sex with Lenina even though she is the person he lays his emotions on, but yet I don’t think he understands his emotions toward her that much, maybe because of the isolation from society, or because his concept on love was taught by a book, a writer named Shakespear. He reveals the truth that emotions are not only discovered toward literature but are discovered during the moments of feeling.

Mustapha Mond, one of the world’s ruler, that much he is a kind that antagonist usually are, not saying that he is an antagonist but he acts out the part where antagonists usually do. Most powerful character in this novel, he takes the part to isolate the misbelieves on the World State Society. He has strong opinions on the stability, control, and happiness is much more important than the non-emotion humans, Which this makes me hate this guy more, for he is one of the important parts on the constitution of this society. This character reveals the truth that there is always an individual that is a strong supporter to his/her’s beliefs that is opposed to others.

Henry Foster, Bernard Marx, is one of the main characters of the novel, but is just a flat character to my topic. They have a disgusting competition toward Lenina as a sex partner, its shown in the novel that these two people have a strong desire for possession on Lenina, but unlucky for them, Lenina doesn’t give attention to both of them but gets obsessed with John. These two people show that people can always show obsession or desire for possession toward other people.

Lenina is not to be called as a main character but is a main character and does an important part to give John a sensational emotion toward her. She takes an important part on motivating John to love, and cause madness toward himself. She is not the character I hate but she is not the character I like. The reason is because she is totally adapted to the World State society’s culture but it wasn’t really her fault. But I can’t hide disgusted feeling as she tries to seduce John, not knowing the emotion that John has toward her. This tells about how people can be obsessed in a bad way and shows unnecessary desire for possession.

Beta embryos(Current Situation)

After reading this novel, I had found a surprising connection between the real worlds.

Prostitution, that is the topic I am going to talk about.
In the novel, sex was used in a wrong way, but also in the real world it is the same.

Prostitution is all around the world, it has been used since the ancient days, and yet I think that no one is really caring about this problem.
What I also found surprising is that even though prostitution is found illegal, it seems like its legally fine because there is nothing that the government doing in my opinion.

It’s funny because I find that promiscuity and having sex for pure fun and getting or giving money for it seems the same in my point of view. There is prostitution with little kids in now a day, and that is the truth, also in the novel it was shown that anyone could have sex for pleasure and with anyone.

There is a reason why promiscuity and prostitute are the same. Promiscuity is just sleeping with anyone and prostitution is just sleeping with anyone, receiving money.
In the novel, part of it, sex comes out, just sex with no love, but just for fun, and it describes how people in the novel satisfy their lust. It is just the same as the real world, greed starting all of it. The desire toward money makes people become a prostitute.
Still in the novel, it shows a way to clear that problem, but in a bad way. John, the main character does a spiritual ceremony, which is whipping. Even though the ceremony is kind of a bad way, I was able to figure out what can solve the problem.

Religion, in the novel, John was able to avoid the World State’s corrupted constitutions toward religion. His solid beliefs toward religion have saved him, but the bad way has leaded him to his suicidal.
It is shown that religion, (especially Christianity) has leaded out people from the corrupted substance. I have seen many criminals that have received forgiveness for their sins, murderers, burglars etc…. I think, no, I know that religion is the only way to save you from degraded substances, emotionally, Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually.

Also, the reason why I am saying this is because I had some help from Christianity as well, but unfortunately I am unable to tell my story.

Alpha embryos(Theme)

I read the book “Brave New World,” and it was pretty difficult to understand compared to my last dystopia novel, “Fahrenheit 451.” This book is not some book that tells about the reduce of the population in the world, but it is about cloning, and a world where you can satisfy all your desire and lust. In this world, the word “love,” the concept of it, doesn’t exist.

This world uses sex as a fun game, not as people loving each other but just having no relationship, having no love, just sex. To compare this world to 2008, the world in the novel doesn’t use sex as a way to have babies but this place is where you enjoy sex, and then you clone the babies.

What is sex? What I think about sex is that it is a holy ceremony where lovers share their love and make a relationship. God does not refuse sex, but appropriate sex is to be by married couples. But in this world, promiscuity is like a reward, like a disco party that present teenagers enjoy. Because of this reason, the concept of “love,” has disappeared from the citizens of that world, making the emotions dry and lust filled.

Reproductive rights are to have sexual contact and than have babies, but in this novel, it is refused to be like that. They remove the ovaries of woman, and then clone the people so that they don’t get old, nor feel love.

So I say that the theme is, “Technology has solid control of reproductive rights and human relationship.” The reason why I am saying this is because of the world in the novel. The society isolates reproductive rights and just use sex as pure pleasure and also the society clones human instead of allowing reproduction to delete the concept of “love” in the cloned humans. Cloning is made by technology, so I say that this is the right theme for the novel.

The theme of this novel is extremely important to the teenagers in 2008. The reason why I am saying this is because these days’ teenagers just play around with sex.
Abortion is legal in America, contraception all over the world. These were all made by technology and science.
There are a similar side within the novel and the real world. The novel shows that people having sex just for fun, with no love, I think that it is the similar as the real world in 2008. People are just having sex for their own desire, which makes a lot of abortion going on; also the technology makes a big part. Such as porn, it’s through the Internet. If there is a married couple, and the husband can’t control himself watching porn, the couple’s relationship would break easily.

Even though, there is no control in reproductive rights (China exception haha) in 2008, there are many bad things going around with sex, enforcement sex, enjoyment sex, and other bad stuff.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Fahrenheit 435(Temperature when the setting burns into our feelings)

Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be
Beautiful? Or disturbing? Or memorable? Describe these settings and
Comment on why they were meaningful to you.

The setting I found was very disturbing but memorable. There was a time when I didn’t like books. I didn’t even want them in my sight, which shows how much I hated books that time. The first book that gave me a good impression on books was the Harry Potter series. These series were the only books that I read all day and all night. Any way that’s how I got read more books often then. The setting of the book was the future, where people would burn books because of mass high technology. This concept and setting would definitely disturb me because I love books.
The reason why I am saying it is memorable is because of the passage I saw. “Well, Montag take my word for it, I’ve had to read a few in my time, to know what I was about, and the books say nothing!”(pg 62)

In the setting, the people in this world would burn the books because of mass technology. Reading this passage and this concept and setting makes me think of my self in the pass. It was when I was 11 years old and these people were having the same thought as a child! This made me disturbing and memorable.

I also found this setting very interesting because of the concept of the book. Burning books? Wow, even I wouldn’t have thought about that. Most books (Especially SF) would have the concept of persecuting, or destroying. For example, robots, they were the most common beings that I would see getting persecuted in Science Fiction novels.
Books are a common hobby for every one in this world. Burning that would be very hard and eliminating it would make the people and the world much more miserable.

Fahrenheit 586(Temperature when the passage of the book burns)

Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you.
Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries
And comment on what you think about the passage.

“Well, Montag take my word for it, I’ve had to read a few in my time, to know what I was about, and the books say nothing!”(pg 62)

This passage is meaningful because it is explaining how the civilization is going around in that world. People think that books are nothing but paper, they have high technology that they now think that books are worthless. In this case, for what I think about, is that this man who said this passage grew up in an environment that didn’t allow books at all but were taught that books were evil.

If that people in this world didn’t have that kind of concept toward books, then this man wouldn’t have this kind of words.

This passage is also important to me. I don’t read that much, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t like reading, but saying this passage makes me think of myself.
When I was in 5th grade, I had a huge homework on reading. That time I was thinking to myself, why does literature even exist? I don’t need books; I just want to play around. After I got into Middle School, I realized that I was wrong. I knew the importance of books until 8th grade. I had a low reading level that were lower than average, even though I’m good at speaking English what is the point if I don’t even know the vocabs?

I knew that this passage is significant to me because it was the words that I said when I was 11 years old. After reading this passage, I had a big fear that the future might turn out like this, like the book, words that only 11 year old kids say…

Fahrenheit 600(Temperature when the mood burns)

What is the mood of the novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?

What I think about the mood of the novel is some how dark. It’s not that dark but also not that light… The mood of the novel is sadness, nervous, and dark. The context of the book is very abstruse which is unknowable. The context is so confusing and it is has an infinitive space of questions, which makes the readers nervous.
The mood of the novel makes the story much clearer on reading the story.

This novel’s mood makes me disturbing rather than sad. I don’t really like the quiet kind of moods in novels. I like novels that are always loud and exciting. But reading this novel makes me think that the novel’s mood is very disturbing and unpleasing to me. Even though I had a good time reading Fahrenheit 451, the mood made the context a little bad.

Still the mood had a great part of my mind emotionally. Since the mood is quiet and dark, it really seems as a perfect mood for the time in the novel. Since it is from the future, the mood and the setting had a great match to the context.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Fahrenheit 820(Temperature when the climax of the story burns)

What is the climax of this novel? What happens? What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events in this novel make you feel?

The climax of the story is when a conflict between Montag and his firemen appears in the novel. Montag kills Captain Betty with a flame thrower and knocks his other firemen and runs away. Unfortunately the mechanical hound injects something into Montag which makes one of his legs paralyzed. Montag destroys the Mechanical Hound and then flees with the books that he has placed in his backyard.

This event made the story much more exciting! It was full with thrill and action! Which I really liked! The story’s mood was all dark and quiet, but within this event, the story’s mood and the context became more exciting and much more fun!

After reading this event, I felt relieved and sad at the same time. Montag was forced to burn houses because of Captain Betty. Killing him means that Montag is freed and that the firemen couldn’t chase Montag because of the death of their superior. This is why I felt relieved.

The reason I felt sad is because of Captain Bettie’s death. I like this character; I liked how he act and how he managed to brain wash the firemen. After his death, I felt a little sad, because since the whole villain of the story died, there was not much of a story left in this book. The story become much more uninteresting after Betty’s death, but still I was glad that the ending was not the ending I have been expecting.The climax of the story is when a conflict between Montag and his firemen appears in the novel. Montag kills Captain Betty with a flame thrower and knocks his other firemen and runs away. Unfortunately the mechanical hound injects something into Montag which makes one of his legs paralyzed. Montag destroys the Mechanical Hound and then flees with the books that he has placed in his backyard.

Fahrenheit 765(Temperature when the main characters reaches the boiling point)

Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

Guy Montag, Mildred Montag, Captain Betty, are the main characters.

The main of main characters, Guy Montag, I like this guy. It’s lucky that he can jump over regret and go on with his life. He has burned a lot of books in his life, but then he changed his mind, but even though he changed his mind, he didn’t regret that much. Instead, he thought of the future, he had no hesitant on what he wanted to do, that is what I like about him.
Even though Clarisse, the girl who made Guy’s mind change, died, I was really sad about her death. I thought maybe she would die at the end of the book or never die but she has unfortunately disappeared in almost the beginning of the book. She has the image of a person who is always positive to others and always like animals (in chapel I heard that all pure characters loved animals…) that is the reason why I like Clarisse.

Mildred Montag, obviously, no one would like her, I also don’t like her too. She is one of the people who is drunk in technology and is insane because she doesn’t even know the reason why she had tried to commit suicide. Yet, she betrays Montag, what makes her worse about the betrayal is that Guy Montag was her husband. All men would hate this kind of women, do not ask why.

I like the Character Captain Betty; even though he is a villain, and he dies at the end I can’t hide the reason why I like this character. He is smart and cunning, he even read a lot of books and he is using that kind of knowledge to brain wash the firemen and forcing them to burn books. A smart, cunning villain who uses his mouth but not strength to control his men, its evil but sometimes I imagine that I want to be exactly like Captain Betty. (I think all the men would think the same as me.)

All these character reveal that humans can kill their own team, kill their own boss, betray their life time partner, or becoming a hero that can save the world. Also the setting of the story affected these characters which reveals that humans can be changed emotionally, physically, and mentally by living through a non-literary, but high tech world.

Fahrenheit 835(Temperature when current situations related to the book burns)

Are there are any current situations in the world that relates to the novel? What are they and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any lights on how current situations could be resolved or fixed?

After reading the book, I have realized a surprising relationship, or connection on the book and in current situations.

Racism, this is the topic what I think is related to the book. The reason why I am saying this is because I have seen many things that are connected to the both of them.
Racism was really serious a long time ago, but it became a little better compared to long time ago. In the book, it is said that people are ignoring and burning books, but there is not a specific reason why books are burned but except that there was to much technology that took literature’s spot.(What I think is that people had much technology than books, that they had an agreement that books are no use any more.)
Racism is just the thing. There was a bad group called the Ku Klux Klan that ran around as herds slaughtering all the other races they could see. Say the KKK as the firemen, and say the books as the races that had been hunted or was about to get hunted to the KKK. Racism still exists today in the 20th centuries. It is not that bad compared to the KKK ages but it still drives other races to the edge.
In the end of the book, the main character goes on a journey to find all the books and rebuild a new civilization. I think this is saying that racism is to be stopped and there would be a new start to become friends with each other. The current situation can be fixed if just every race in the world was just equal to each other

Monday, March 3, 2008

Fahrenheit 900 (Temperature when theme is burning)

What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to living in 2007?

I read the book “Fahrenheit 451,” for my topic on dystopia. This book was not some books that were talking about man kind in danger, but it was talking about how the living of man kind’s habit changed and how the ignorance toward literature affected man kind’s life style.

The life of humans has changed a lot compared to the year 2008. Most of them, according to the book, all of them only waste their lives with television and technology. It seemed as if their emotions were washed away… This happened because of books burning down each day.
So through my analysis, I figured out that the theme of this fabulous book is, “Ignorance toward literature can destroy mankind emotionally.”

Literature, what is it? It is what exists in our lives, writing, books, etc... Literature has done many things to man kind. It helped the resistance of mankind’s ancient history, and it has produced all these scholars that leaded man kind to a high technologic civilization. Obviously there were no internet or television in the past, but the books that people wrote was able to tell the existence of many heroes and scholars and history.

Books are also one of the hobbies of man. There are so many genres about books; Science fiction, romance, thriller, mystery, horror, comedy, action, fantasy etc. These genres have helped man kind develop their imaginations and their thoughts. It also gave a mankind a hobby to read more and more books which made them smarter and smarter. Knowledge can pass to man kind easily mostly by books, that’s why the bible was created, just telling them would be forgotten.

The theme of this book is extremely important to teenagers existing in 2008. In the world, technology has developed a lot with computers, cell phones, Televisions, etc. Computer games and TV programs are very addict able, which makes teenager only do them. Making them not reading any books, destroying all the knowledge because of some simple internet information. Teenagers are corrupting each day, which makes the existence of books less significant in the world.