Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Alpha embryos(Theme)

I read the book “Brave New World,” and it was pretty difficult to understand compared to my last dystopia novel, “Fahrenheit 451.” This book is not some book that tells about the reduce of the population in the world, but it is about cloning, and a world where you can satisfy all your desire and lust. In this world, the word “love,” the concept of it, doesn’t exist.

This world uses sex as a fun game, not as people loving each other but just having no relationship, having no love, just sex. To compare this world to 2008, the world in the novel doesn’t use sex as a way to have babies but this place is where you enjoy sex, and then you clone the babies.

What is sex? What I think about sex is that it is a holy ceremony where lovers share their love and make a relationship. God does not refuse sex, but appropriate sex is to be by married couples. But in this world, promiscuity is like a reward, like a disco party that present teenagers enjoy. Because of this reason, the concept of “love,” has disappeared from the citizens of that world, making the emotions dry and lust filled.

Reproductive rights are to have sexual contact and than have babies, but in this novel, it is refused to be like that. They remove the ovaries of woman, and then clone the people so that they don’t get old, nor feel love.

So I say that the theme is, “Technology has solid control of reproductive rights and human relationship.” The reason why I am saying this is because of the world in the novel. The society isolates reproductive rights and just use sex as pure pleasure and also the society clones human instead of allowing reproduction to delete the concept of “love” in the cloned humans. Cloning is made by technology, so I say that this is the right theme for the novel.

The theme of this novel is extremely important to the teenagers in 2008. The reason why I am saying this is because these days’ teenagers just play around with sex.
Abortion is legal in America, contraception all over the world. These were all made by technology and science.
There are a similar side within the novel and the real world. The novel shows that people having sex just for fun, with no love, I think that it is the similar as the real world in 2008. People are just having sex for their own desire, which makes a lot of abortion going on; also the technology makes a big part. Such as porn, it’s through the Internet. If there is a married couple, and the husband can’t control himself watching porn, the couple’s relationship would break easily.

Even though, there is no control in reproductive rights (China exception haha) in 2008, there are many bad things going around with sex, enforcement sex, enjoyment sex, and other bad stuff.


Gina L said...

I agree with you that making embryos is a very inhumane thing. However, on the other hand, brainwashed babies can form a peaceful society. If the savage, John, was not present, then there wouldn't be any interruptions among people. Since they are not even eager to see the outside of their world, there might be a utopia.

The novel is not about sex but about whether forming utopia is possible or not. Sex is part of it though. Through sex, people can be satisfied physically.

I think the reason why Huxley put sex as a part of the utopia is because "love" can cause conflicts. Because there are no more strong attractions emotionally, people can concentrate on their work without any problem.