Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Omega Embryos(My talk on the author's philosophy)

Reading this book gave me a great knowledge on the philosophy that the author was trying to tell us. A philosophy that I can see through this book meant that the author was really clear on his philosophy, although I might be wrong, it still means that I have a philosophy of my own that I have learned from the book.

You know why we say “Good morning” to each other? Toward my information from a philosopher, (Korean novel) a human saying good morning to each other is just a natural instinct developed through ages, an instinct that mankind has naturally made to use as a good manner. But that “manner” is just a shelter to cover up the other reason. The reason why we say good morning is to make mankind conquest the loneliness, and a way to make more allies naturally.
If we say “Good Morning” to another person, the person who gets the greeting shows affinity to the person who said good morning. But the person who said good morning thinks it’s a good manner that he/she had learned from his/her parents, but it’s an unconscious thought to the person (who greeted) that he/she doesn’t want to make enemies.
A human natural instinct says that every one is an enemy except for him or herself, but this thought is not selfish but it is an unconscious thought that people don’t know what they are thinking about. Anyway, because of this instinct, people start greetings to make friend.
Think about it, if you had a person next to you that had the same something (for example taste or likes) would you hate him or like him? Definitely liking him is the natural response; it is just like that. If you say good morning, the other person realizes that it is a good morning and realizes that both of them have the same good morning! So naturally they both show good feeling toward each other, because of the unconscious thought that they both have the same “Good morning.” (I’m sorry, I tried to translate it into Korean-English but that didn’t work out that well.;)

What I am saying, the philosophy that I am saying is just the similar philosophy that I am thinking about.
Why do we have sex? Is it just for pleasure? Is it for reproduction? I don’t think so… There are different reasons why I think sex is just for these reasons. I don’t think it’s for pure reproduction, because that is for only animals. Animal’s natural instincts are to reproduce themselves. Only mankind has the rights to have sex with pleasure, well in a different way. Sex is made through pleasure, that’s the way sex works, but animals don’t have the rights to realize that pleasure in their consciousness, but that pleasure is only occurred in animal’s physical nerves which cause sex (such as sperms…) to work. Which means that animals don’t sex with pleasure on conscious (think about it, a male animal doesn’t use condoms to have sex for fun) but instinctively does it for reproduction. Only Mankind has the rights to have sex on pleasure, that’s why people created all these kind of stuffs to control the birth, but just to have fun.

I don’t think that mankind does sex only for pleasure, it is right that they have fun with sex, but in normal cases, I think it’s because of love. Why would people say “Do not sex with anyone else until you marry?” It’s because marriage comes out from love, it is the symbol of love. Marriage means that you are together with a lover, a lover to give your virginity. People knows that marriage=love with unconsciousness so they say that. Marriage means that you are having children, and children come out through sex.

The philosophies that I just talked about both have a relation, a relation that comes out from the human instinct, unconsciousness.

I think this is the philosophy of life that the author is trying to tell us. A main character knowing about love through Shakespeare’s unique explanations and literature.
Unfortunately the main character couldn’t resist the out view of the society, where sex is just for pure pleasure and reproductive rights vandalized.
I think the author is telling us that without love, human relationship and sex wouldn’t be able to connect to each other. The novel has shown only people having sex for fun, without emotions of love; the world is destroyed on the inside.

(I am sorry; I just got a feeling that I should say this, these days I read philosophical and gloomy Korean novels so I tried to give it a try. Since philosophy is the way that you see the world through your consciousness, I gave this a try. You might not understand it, if you don’t I would be glad to explain it to you. It might be hard to you because philosophy is the way an individual looks at the out view of the world. Besides, people say that philosophy starts from a simple fact into a weird, paradoxical thought that no one can agree to it! Sorry about this.)


Gina L said...

I've never thought about philosophies before. I think you thoroughly conveyed what you feel. I agree that if people don't have emotions such as love, then the lives will be very dull that can lead to sudden corruptions.

This author thought that human emotions are one of the factors that lead to conflicts. However, since they lost their emotions, they were like the machines that work together. I fully understood that there will be no life if people lost their emotions.