Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Fahrenheit 765(Temperature when the main characters reaches the boiling point)

Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

Guy Montag, Mildred Montag, Captain Betty, are the main characters.

The main of main characters, Guy Montag, I like this guy. It’s lucky that he can jump over regret and go on with his life. He has burned a lot of books in his life, but then he changed his mind, but even though he changed his mind, he didn’t regret that much. Instead, he thought of the future, he had no hesitant on what he wanted to do, that is what I like about him.
Even though Clarisse, the girl who made Guy’s mind change, died, I was really sad about her death. I thought maybe she would die at the end of the book or never die but she has unfortunately disappeared in almost the beginning of the book. She has the image of a person who is always positive to others and always like animals (in chapel I heard that all pure characters loved animals…) that is the reason why I like Clarisse.

Mildred Montag, obviously, no one would like her, I also don’t like her too. She is one of the people who is drunk in technology and is insane because she doesn’t even know the reason why she had tried to commit suicide. Yet, she betrays Montag, what makes her worse about the betrayal is that Guy Montag was her husband. All men would hate this kind of women, do not ask why.

I like the Character Captain Betty; even though he is a villain, and he dies at the end I can’t hide the reason why I like this character. He is smart and cunning, he even read a lot of books and he is using that kind of knowledge to brain wash the firemen and forcing them to burn books. A smart, cunning villain who uses his mouth but not strength to control his men, its evil but sometimes I imagine that I want to be exactly like Captain Betty. (I think all the men would think the same as me.)

All these character reveal that humans can kill their own team, kill their own boss, betray their life time partner, or becoming a hero that can save the world. Also the setting of the story affected these characters which reveals that humans can be changed emotionally, physically, and mentally by living through a non-literary, but high tech world.


brybry said...

The question was who were the main characters in the novel, but it appears that you explained almost every single characters in the novel.

I sympathize with you that you like Guy Montag. I personally considered Guy as my favorite main character in Fahrenheit 451. But I have one thing that I disagree with what you wrote. You said that "...he had no hesitant[which I assume you mean that he didn't hesitate] on what he wanted to do..." I disagree with this because he hesitated the whole time throughout the novel! He always contemplated and faltered especially in the beginning when he found a book and brought it home. He hesitated whether he should keep it or burn it. He faltered whether he should go to job or not. He continuously contemplated about his job and the truth about books. He was hesitant in every situation. Well, he did get more strong and determined to explore more about literature as he talked with Faber. But I cannot agree with what you said about that he had no moment of hesitance.

Another thing I don't quite agree with what you said is the part where you wrote "A smart, cunning villain who uses his mouth but not strength to control his men, its evil but sometimes I imagine that I want to be exactly like Captain Betty. (I think all the men would think the same as me.)" You mentioned that you believe all men will agree with you; I am a man but I somewhat disagree with you. Yes, I have thought of moments where I have superpowers and control the world. But no, I definitely do not wish or dream of becoming a villain like Captain Beatty. I have imagined using power for my wishes. BUt I have not wished of controlling men like a dictator. I personally viewed Captain Beatty as a dictator because he brainwashed people's mind that books are bad. He basically controlled the world of being consumed into the media. I myself do not want to become a dictator. Having power, oh yes. But using power to mistreat the world, oh no.