Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Fahrenheit 835(Temperature when current situations related to the book burns)

Are there are any current situations in the world that relates to the novel? What are they and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any lights on how current situations could be resolved or fixed?

After reading the book, I have realized a surprising relationship, or connection on the book and in current situations.

Racism, this is the topic what I think is related to the book. The reason why I am saying this is because I have seen many things that are connected to the both of them.
Racism was really serious a long time ago, but it became a little better compared to long time ago. In the book, it is said that people are ignoring and burning books, but there is not a specific reason why books are burned but except that there was to much technology that took literature’s spot.(What I think is that people had much technology than books, that they had an agreement that books are no use any more.)
Racism is just the thing. There was a bad group called the Ku Klux Klan that ran around as herds slaughtering all the other races they could see. Say the KKK as the firemen, and say the books as the races that had been hunted or was about to get hunted to the KKK. Racism still exists today in the 20th centuries. It is not that bad compared to the KKK ages but it still drives other races to the edge.
In the end of the book, the main character goes on a journey to find all the books and rebuild a new civilization. I think this is saying that racism is to be stopped and there would be a new start to become friends with each other. The current situation can be fixed if just every race in the world was just equal to each other