Sunday, November 30, 2008

BLOG 9 English 10

I finally finished reading Twilight(just to tell you that I didn't read through spark notes) To tell the truth, it was pretty fun, but I dont think it was the kind of book that should be a best seller. I mean, it would be a best seller to teenagers, but I also knew that some adults also reads this book. The ending of this book, shown that there would be another part of the series, and right now, I'm planning to read New moon, the second part of the Twilight season, and I am hoping it would be more fun to read than Twilight. Through Twilight, I realized that the action part only came out in the climax. There was no action part but only the story line of Bella trying to find out what Edward is, and going out with him. I am not saying this book is not good, but its just not the book for the best seller. I thought of just finishing the book without reading the whole series, but my dad all ready bought me the whole series, so I think I would have to read it. I am planning to read the whole series during the winter break.