Friday, March 7, 2008

Fahrenheit 435(Temperature when the setting burns into our feelings)

Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be
Beautiful? Or disturbing? Or memorable? Describe these settings and
Comment on why they were meaningful to you.

The setting I found was very disturbing but memorable. There was a time when I didn’t like books. I didn’t even want them in my sight, which shows how much I hated books that time. The first book that gave me a good impression on books was the Harry Potter series. These series were the only books that I read all day and all night. Any way that’s how I got read more books often then. The setting of the book was the future, where people would burn books because of mass high technology. This concept and setting would definitely disturb me because I love books.
The reason why I am saying it is memorable is because of the passage I saw. “Well, Montag take my word for it, I’ve had to read a few in my time, to know what I was about, and the books say nothing!”(pg 62)

In the setting, the people in this world would burn the books because of mass technology. Reading this passage and this concept and setting makes me think of my self in the pass. It was when I was 11 years old and these people were having the same thought as a child! This made me disturbing and memorable.

I also found this setting very interesting because of the concept of the book. Burning books? Wow, even I wouldn’t have thought about that. Most books (Especially SF) would have the concept of persecuting, or destroying. For example, robots, they were the most common beings that I would see getting persecuted in Science Fiction novels.
Books are a common hobby for every one in this world. Burning that would be very hard and eliminating it would make the people and the world much more miserable.

Fahrenheit 586(Temperature when the passage of the book burns)

Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you.
Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries
And comment on what you think about the passage.

“Well, Montag take my word for it, I’ve had to read a few in my time, to know what I was about, and the books say nothing!”(pg 62)

This passage is meaningful because it is explaining how the civilization is going around in that world. People think that books are nothing but paper, they have high technology that they now think that books are worthless. In this case, for what I think about, is that this man who said this passage grew up in an environment that didn’t allow books at all but were taught that books were evil.

If that people in this world didn’t have that kind of concept toward books, then this man wouldn’t have this kind of words.

This passage is also important to me. I don’t read that much, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t like reading, but saying this passage makes me think of myself.
When I was in 5th grade, I had a huge homework on reading. That time I was thinking to myself, why does literature even exist? I don’t need books; I just want to play around. After I got into Middle School, I realized that I was wrong. I knew the importance of books until 8th grade. I had a low reading level that were lower than average, even though I’m good at speaking English what is the point if I don’t even know the vocabs?

I knew that this passage is significant to me because it was the words that I said when I was 11 years old. After reading this passage, I had a big fear that the future might turn out like this, like the book, words that only 11 year old kids say…

Fahrenheit 600(Temperature when the mood burns)

What is the mood of the novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?

What I think about the mood of the novel is some how dark. It’s not that dark but also not that light… The mood of the novel is sadness, nervous, and dark. The context of the book is very abstruse which is unknowable. The context is so confusing and it is has an infinitive space of questions, which makes the readers nervous.
The mood of the novel makes the story much clearer on reading the story.

This novel’s mood makes me disturbing rather than sad. I don’t really like the quiet kind of moods in novels. I like novels that are always loud and exciting. But reading this novel makes me think that the novel’s mood is very disturbing and unpleasing to me. Even though I had a good time reading Fahrenheit 451, the mood made the context a little bad.

Still the mood had a great part of my mind emotionally. Since the mood is quiet and dark, it really seems as a perfect mood for the time in the novel. Since it is from the future, the mood and the setting had a great match to the context.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Fahrenheit 820(Temperature when the climax of the story burns)

What is the climax of this novel? What happens? What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events in this novel make you feel?

The climax of the story is when a conflict between Montag and his firemen appears in the novel. Montag kills Captain Betty with a flame thrower and knocks his other firemen and runs away. Unfortunately the mechanical hound injects something into Montag which makes one of his legs paralyzed. Montag destroys the Mechanical Hound and then flees with the books that he has placed in his backyard.

This event made the story much more exciting! It was full with thrill and action! Which I really liked! The story’s mood was all dark and quiet, but within this event, the story’s mood and the context became more exciting and much more fun!

After reading this event, I felt relieved and sad at the same time. Montag was forced to burn houses because of Captain Betty. Killing him means that Montag is freed and that the firemen couldn’t chase Montag because of the death of their superior. This is why I felt relieved.

The reason I felt sad is because of Captain Bettie’s death. I like this character; I liked how he act and how he managed to brain wash the firemen. After his death, I felt a little sad, because since the whole villain of the story died, there was not much of a story left in this book. The story become much more uninteresting after Betty’s death, but still I was glad that the ending was not the ending I have been expecting.The climax of the story is when a conflict between Montag and his firemen appears in the novel. Montag kills Captain Betty with a flame thrower and knocks his other firemen and runs away. Unfortunately the mechanical hound injects something into Montag which makes one of his legs paralyzed. Montag destroys the Mechanical Hound and then flees with the books that he has placed in his backyard.

Fahrenheit 765(Temperature when the main characters reaches the boiling point)

Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

Guy Montag, Mildred Montag, Captain Betty, are the main characters.

The main of main characters, Guy Montag, I like this guy. It’s lucky that he can jump over regret and go on with his life. He has burned a lot of books in his life, but then he changed his mind, but even though he changed his mind, he didn’t regret that much. Instead, he thought of the future, he had no hesitant on what he wanted to do, that is what I like about him.
Even though Clarisse, the girl who made Guy’s mind change, died, I was really sad about her death. I thought maybe she would die at the end of the book or never die but she has unfortunately disappeared in almost the beginning of the book. She has the image of a person who is always positive to others and always like animals (in chapel I heard that all pure characters loved animals…) that is the reason why I like Clarisse.

Mildred Montag, obviously, no one would like her, I also don’t like her too. She is one of the people who is drunk in technology and is insane because she doesn’t even know the reason why she had tried to commit suicide. Yet, she betrays Montag, what makes her worse about the betrayal is that Guy Montag was her husband. All men would hate this kind of women, do not ask why.

I like the Character Captain Betty; even though he is a villain, and he dies at the end I can’t hide the reason why I like this character. He is smart and cunning, he even read a lot of books and he is using that kind of knowledge to brain wash the firemen and forcing them to burn books. A smart, cunning villain who uses his mouth but not strength to control his men, its evil but sometimes I imagine that I want to be exactly like Captain Betty. (I think all the men would think the same as me.)

All these character reveal that humans can kill their own team, kill their own boss, betray their life time partner, or becoming a hero that can save the world. Also the setting of the story affected these characters which reveals that humans can be changed emotionally, physically, and mentally by living through a non-literary, but high tech world.

Fahrenheit 835(Temperature when current situations related to the book burns)

Are there are any current situations in the world that relates to the novel? What are they and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any lights on how current situations could be resolved or fixed?

After reading the book, I have realized a surprising relationship, or connection on the book and in current situations.

Racism, this is the topic what I think is related to the book. The reason why I am saying this is because I have seen many things that are connected to the both of them.
Racism was really serious a long time ago, but it became a little better compared to long time ago. In the book, it is said that people are ignoring and burning books, but there is not a specific reason why books are burned but except that there was to much technology that took literature’s spot.(What I think is that people had much technology than books, that they had an agreement that books are no use any more.)
Racism is just the thing. There was a bad group called the Ku Klux Klan that ran around as herds slaughtering all the other races they could see. Say the KKK as the firemen, and say the books as the races that had been hunted or was about to get hunted to the KKK. Racism still exists today in the 20th centuries. It is not that bad compared to the KKK ages but it still drives other races to the edge.
In the end of the book, the main character goes on a journey to find all the books and rebuild a new civilization. I think this is saying that racism is to be stopped and there would be a new start to become friends with each other. The current situation can be fixed if just every race in the world was just equal to each other

Monday, March 3, 2008

Fahrenheit 900 (Temperature when theme is burning)

What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to living in 2007?

I read the book “Fahrenheit 451,” for my topic on dystopia. This book was not some books that were talking about man kind in danger, but it was talking about how the living of man kind’s habit changed and how the ignorance toward literature affected man kind’s life style.

The life of humans has changed a lot compared to the year 2008. Most of them, according to the book, all of them only waste their lives with television and technology. It seemed as if their emotions were washed away… This happened because of books burning down each day.
So through my analysis, I figured out that the theme of this fabulous book is, “Ignorance toward literature can destroy mankind emotionally.”

Literature, what is it? It is what exists in our lives, writing, books, etc... Literature has done many things to man kind. It helped the resistance of mankind’s ancient history, and it has produced all these scholars that leaded man kind to a high technologic civilization. Obviously there were no internet or television in the past, but the books that people wrote was able to tell the existence of many heroes and scholars and history.

Books are also one of the hobbies of man. There are so many genres about books; Science fiction, romance, thriller, mystery, horror, comedy, action, fantasy etc. These genres have helped man kind develop their imaginations and their thoughts. It also gave a mankind a hobby to read more and more books which made them smarter and smarter. Knowledge can pass to man kind easily mostly by books, that’s why the bible was created, just telling them would be forgotten.

The theme of this book is extremely important to teenagers existing in 2008. In the world, technology has developed a lot with computers, cell phones, Televisions, etc. Computer games and TV programs are very addict able, which makes teenager only do them. Making them not reading any books, destroying all the knowledge because of some simple internet information. Teenagers are corrupting each day, which makes the existence of books less significant in the world.