Sunday, November 30, 2008

BLOG 9 English 10

I finally finished reading Twilight(just to tell you that I didn't read through spark notes) To tell the truth, it was pretty fun, but I dont think it was the kind of book that should be a best seller. I mean, it would be a best seller to teenagers, but I also knew that some adults also reads this book. The ending of this book, shown that there would be another part of the series, and right now, I'm planning to read New moon, the second part of the Twilight season, and I am hoping it would be more fun to read than Twilight. Through Twilight, I realized that the action part only came out in the climax. There was no action part but only the story line of Bella trying to find out what Edward is, and going out with him. I am not saying this book is not good, but its just not the book for the best seller. I thought of just finishing the book without reading the whole series, but my dad all ready bought me the whole series, so I think I would have to read it. I am planning to read the whole series during the winter break.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

BLOG 8 English 10

I read all the way up to pg 178 about Twilight. Bella keeps on questioning Edwards true character, and what he is. She starts to make some theories about Edward, whether he is a villian or a hero. Then one day, Bella gets an interesting story from one kid. The kid told Bella, the tribe he is in, is fulled with werewolves(of course Bella didn't actually believe in it and thought the kid was using a metaphor) and that the werewolves had one and only enemies were the "cold ones" which are vampires. Then Bella knew that the kid was telling her that Edward is a vampire. So Bella starts to research for vampires and asked Edward if he was actually a vampire. Edward confessed that he is a vampire...and then....
The story line is starting get interesting in my opinion. I think to me Twilight is not really really fun book like Harry Potter, but it quite readable...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

BLOG 7 English 10

After reading the book "Catcher of the rye," I started the book "Twilight" and read untill I stopped at page 97. This bmook started with a high school girl who goes to where her father lives because her parents have divorced. She meets with new friends, but gets kind of suspicious or curious with this guy named Edward. One day after school, she had a truck almost crushing toward her, but she saw Edward suddenly appearing out of nowhere and saving her, holding the truck which is almost impossible for a highschool teenager to hold. She gets suspicious about Edward but doesn't think it really seriously.
I read it untill this part where she just becomes suspicious of Edward. I mean I don't really like Romance books but I decided to try one. I mean this book is a best seller, so it might be might chance to have an interaction with romance. Although I'm not actually thinking of reading Romance books but my dad bought this book which is also the reason why I am reading this.(He always buys bestseller books)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

BLOG 6 English 10

I read the whole book of the Catcher of the rye. I heard from many people that it was very good book and it was really good for teenagers. I thought that the "Good" that the people meant were meaning the fun of the book but it wasn't.(I think if that was what they were talking about man I have to seriously discuss about their taste in reading books because this book was not fun)It was actually a book that seriously discussed of how a teenager in America would act and in my opinion what was life in the 1960s at that time. I mean, this book wasn't that fun, but I still kind of liked it. What attracted me to this book was mainly the author's special voice but also the unique way that the author wrote this book. The author didn't write the book based on the events but the connection between the events and the main character's experiences. The events weren't that important in this book but the experience/past that the main character had and how he would connect them to his lifetime experiences. I think that this book was emphacizing that the world was too dangerous to teenagers that hate to study and stuff. The main character wishes to go out and live on his own with the girl he liked but he was too young to think of that, and he thought easy of life. Except for the swear words and sexual somethings, it was a good book.(Although, it was not fun)